NEWS at the DMSC

June 24th, 2024:

Today Sahla El Mahdaoui defended her PhD thesis "Immunological effects of anti-CD20 therapy in multiple sclerosis". There was an impressive attendance and Sahla helped us all in the best possible way to understand the immunological mechanisms behind the treatment. Her study definitely has contributed to a greater understanding of MS disease pathogenesis and treatment with anti-CD20 antibodies.

June 14th, 2024:

Congratulations to Mathias Falck Schmidt for his brilliant defense of his ph.d. thesis ”Hyperreflective foci in the retina in patients with multiple sclerosis and optic neuritis”. We wish him all the best and a bright future!

June 1st, 2024:

The annual DAREMUS National Research Meeting where the past year's Danish MS research is presented has just been held with great success in Nyborg.

January 19th, 2024:

Congratulations from all of us at DMSC to Moscoula Passali, who succesfully defended her PhD thesis with the title ”The interplay of biomarkers in a clinical trial of gluten-free diet in optic neuritis" at Rigshospitalet-Glostrup.

November 17th, 2023:

A light in this grey and rainy November is a 4.5 million kroner grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) given to Jette Frederiksen and her project “Effects of indole-3-propionic acid on neurodegeneration, disease activity and cognitive decline in MS”; a great congratulation to Jette, Lina and their collaborators!

Also, a big congratulation to Josephine Britze for defending her PhD thesis “Biomarkers in Early Multiple Sclerosis”.

September 26th, 2023:

Malthe Faurschou Wandall-Holm successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. The auditorium was full of family, friends, and colleagues when Malthe defended his thesis, "Long-term socioeconomic consequences of multiple sclerosis". The atmosphere was friendly, with a very high academic level in the presentation and following defense. Read one of Malthe's excellent papers here. Congratulations from all of us at the DMSC to Malthe. 

January 10th 2023: 

Intestinal bacteria may be an important piece in the jigsaw puzzle of multiple sclerosis

Years of work on the gut microbiota in multiple sclerosis has finally been completed with a publication in Genome Medicine. The study shows a clear difference in gut microbiota between patients with MS and controls and identify two bacterial species which may have immunoregulatory and disease-modifying effects. To read more: RH webside

September 27th 2022: 

Diagnostic criteria for optic neuritis published

An international research group, with participation of professor Jette Frederiksen from DMSC, recently published consensus criteria for diagnosis of acute optic neuritis in Lancet Neurology.

May 30th 2022: 

After two years of corona, we were finally able to meet at the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society (DAREMUS) annual meeting on World MS Today; an excellent opportunity to meet with colleagues and researchers from all over Denmark!

April 4th 2022: 

Congratulations to Johanne Balslev for her brilliant defence of her ph.d. thesis.

March 31st 2022: 

Congratulations to Jacob Talbot for his excellent defence of his ph.d. thesis "Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis - disease modifying treatment, inflammation, and disease activity".

November 5th 2021: 

Congratulations to Stefan Gustavson who defenced his ph.d. thesis “The Effects of Exo- and Endocannabinoids in Multiple Sclerosis” with excellence.

June 29th 2021: 

Congratulations to Anna Olsson who successfully defended her ph.d. thesis “The Gut-Brain Axis in Multiple Sclerosis: microbial metabolites and physical barrier in relation to immune activation and disease activation”.

March 19th 2021: 

Congratulations to Sophie Buhelt for her excellent defence of her ph.d. thesis “The Interleukin-2 Receptor-alfa in Multiple Sclerosis”. 

January 29th 2021: 

Congratulations to Mathias Buron for his successful defence of his PhD thesis “Real-world experience with disease-modifying drugs in multiple sclerosis” from the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry.

January 5th 2021: 

We start the new year by expanding our equipment range: a new ultrasound device for lumbar puncture procedures in the clinic, and a new cell sorter (FACS Melody) and Fluorospot/ELISpot reader (Mabtech IRIS) for research purposes.

December 11th 2020: 

Congratulations to Helene Højsgaard Chow who defended her PhD thesis "Primary progressive multiple sclerosis: studies of treatment, cognitive function and risk factors".

November 4th 2020: 

Today we received information from the Danish Regions that they will fund the DanNORMS study – a national randomized, controlled noninferiority study comparing the efficacy of rituximab and crelizumab in patients with active MS. The total budget for the study is 39.6 million DKK, and the

regions have now granted 14.4 million DKK. We expect to include the first patient in the DanNORMS study in Q1 2021.

September 11th 2020:

Today is the first day of the MSVirtual 2020 meeting which replaces the international MSWashington meeting that was cancelled due to COVID-19. From a DMSC perspective we look forward to hearing Betül Okutan from the Bramow group present their work on progressive MS pathology and hearing Helene Højsgaard Chow present the results of our randomized, placebo-controlled study of dimethyl fumarate therapy in primary progressive MS.

August 18th 2020:

Today the refurbishing of our new clinical research unit is completed, and everyone will move into place. The new unit will improve our potential and our capacity for clinical research at DMSC. The unit includes rooms specially equipped for neuro-ophthalmology research with multifocal VEP and OCT equipment and a laboratory for cerebrospinal fluid and blood sample preparation.

June 26th 2020:

Today is the big day. The MS Clinic at Rigshospitalet moves from Rigshospitalet Blegdamsvej in Central Copenhagen to Rigshospitalet Glostrup just outside Copenhagen and merges with the existing MS Clinic at Glostrup. The new MS Clinic at Glostrup is thoroughly refurbished, and will provide treatment for approximately 3,500 people with MS, approximately 20% of all people with MS in Denmark. We look forward to begin work in the new clinic Monday morning…